So like, who are you guys?

Obviously, you know at least a little bit by now. The basics.

We're Brothers In Exile MC, we're based on old school biker culture, yadda yadda yadda.

To make things more specific, we're largely based on Berdoo (nickname for San Bernardino)
chapter of Hells Angels waaay back in the late 60's, and minor clubs formed around the same
time period or earlier.

We came to exist about 10th or 11th of September, 2016. with finalization completed on 13th.
That happened by us splitting off from Skeleton Crew [SKEL]. It basically went along with
the National Council of SKEL largely ignoring our chapter [Davis] and allowing other members to grief us with no repercussions. As it went on, we simply had enough. We were told to stay, but that quickly changed an hour later, when we were told to leave immediately. 

Original 5 that left:

  1. iAproxx
  2. Douch3.NL
  3. SH00D0X
  4. LoneGreyWolf
  5. ChikatiloPurgen

4 that followed to complete the Loyal 9:

  1. TellyTubby0609
  2. Justin_1009
  3. SharpshotSid
  4. PsychoEvelyn

Discord, Social Club crew and our patch were set the same day. To honor the creator, the centerpiece was
voted to be named "Victor".

That was the original patch. The helmet was originally Green, but GTA Emblem uploader had another idea as it was vectorizing it. Still looks great in dark gray!

We initially set place in Paleto Bay to somewhat get away from it all, but we soon left it to avoid confrontations with other clubs. By the suggestion of [TLMC], we decided to settle in Grand Senora. It's still our home, our very own place.

Didn't take long for SKEL to come after us. Their "retired" National President saw us as someone who stole his members (ironically we all left on our own as we were dissatisfied with his ruling and that of the acting National Council) and was an immediate threat to his ego. The rest of SKEL followed suit.

In the following months, we established ourselves in the community, mended some club's beefs and kept our Grand Senora Bike Meet ongoing for over 20 times already!

And you bet we wont give up on any of this any time soon, no matter how many douchebags we stumble upon!